Jason Ariano Bio
Jason Ariano (Jay)
Jason has been a small business owner for over a decade. He started his career in advertising running a successful national operations team for 14 years. In 2013 he opened his first LLC. JCM Services was born. Learning the ins and outs of small business ownership he dedicated his time to growing his business while helping the communities he has worked in. Over the years he expanding out his desire to share his knowledge with as many people as possible. He used his social media and web site platforms to share as he learned.
In 2020 during the covid pandemic he focused on building new skills and developing himself to offer more to his community. JCM Marketing was created. The focus was to develop websites with how to’s and tricks to improving your mental, physical and financial health. Using SEO and video creation he has opened up several websites:
In 2022 with the inflation rates going crazy and huge losses in his portfolio Jason sought out to find safer easier ways to save and protect his money. Jason signed up with World Financial Group. After acquiring his NY State license he started in his educational journey to help bring Wall st. to Main st. While helping families set up their financial road map he has the ability to join him in his quest to leaving no family left behind. He offers an opportunity to join him in his business, get licensed and expand nationwide.
He has set out a bold goal to bring success to everyone he meets.
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