SRNG Stock
SRNG stock is what we will call a penny stock. This is a smaller company that is traded on the open market. If you are looking for the SRNG stock quote price you can use this link WAIT!!!! Before you go you will definitely want to read more about investing especially if you are concerned about not losing money in the market.
As new investors try to break into the market buying penny stocks like SRNG stock hoping it will go up in value so you can make some money off of it . What if we told you there are others ways to invest without the sleepless nights you get from day trading? There are many different goals while investing.
Short term goals – These are emergency funds. It is very uncommon in this day and age for people to have at least $1000 in an emergency fund. This type of investment account needs to be liquid. A liquid account is where your money can be accessible right away, its like having a bank account with a higher rate of return then what the banks have to offer. Investing in SRNG stock is not as liquid as you think. Brokerage houses can hold your money up for a few days if the sale price doesn’t hit where you need it. Investing in SRNG stock and it loses value will not be good if you need the money right away since it can lose value.
Medium term goals – These are investment goals like buying a house or a car. These goals are put in place where your money doesn’t have to be as liquid as if its in an emergency account. You know when you need to take out the money so it can all be planned out. These types of investing accounts can be in a mutual fund or a stock portfolio. You want the stock to be more liquid than a retirement account so using a retirement account kind of investment will not be to wise of a choice. This is a great scenario to invest in SRNG stock if you do your research and believe the stock will hold its value.
Long term goals – These are goals set up for the far future like retirement. There are many options like Roth IRA’s or 401k plans. They have tax benefits attached to them as well. This is where you want a financial planner to get involved in the risk you are willing to take with your money over the lifetime of the investment. You can work with your financial planner to add SRNG stock to your portfolio for example. Since it is usually retirement these programs are a minimum of 10 years.
Depending on the time frame you have for your investment make sure you use the guide above to make the right investment decision. If you need help learning how to invest we have put a few links below that can help you with your investment goals.
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