I hate working

I hate working.


We all come across what I call the crossroads in life. Where we don’t like the situation we are in. Our job sucks our money isn’t where you thought it would be. Waking up is a slow and tedious process. We just don’t like the position we are in. what do we do. There are a few steps to do to get the I hate working mentality out of your persona.

The first step is to decide what about I hate working really isn’t the right fit. There are many factors that come into play.

Is it the work? Depending on how far you are into your job or career can dictate if what you are doing is an actual fit for your skill set. If you studied history through college and you are doing children’s book publishing that could be the answer right away. This can also vary depending on what the job you chose is. You must do some deep thinking as to what you really want to do. If there is a new skill set, you need to learn you have to be willing to learn that skill set. In the world we live in today you must be able to back your personality with your talent. Especially with all the information we have at our fingertips there are not any excuses as to not learn a skill set you need to succeed.



Your managers also play a huge part into why “I hate working”. Being led by the wrong type of person can be a miserable experience. From my personal experience I have had many, many manages that couldn’t manage to get to work on time, so you know their management skills were awful. Finding the right influence in a work environment is one of the toughest things to do in this current age of business. Let’s look at this as a blessing. With all the bad managers I have had I remember saying to myself I will never be like that person. I hate working for him and when I get to his position, I will never manage like he does. That mind set did 2 things for me. 1, I already put myself in management before I even got there. I changed my mindset of how I want to move up in my career. 2, I took ownership of being a manger and started doing my research and studying of being a manager. This is where things can start changing. This is the time to start building your skills to become a manager and now you know what type of manager you want to be.

Here is a little story for you when I was growing up, I never really had any relationships with any of my uncles. Throughout my childhood all my friends had the best uncles. They were always around. They had these relationships I was jealous of. I made a decision when I become an uncle, I was going to be a huge part of my niece or nephews lives. I learned about building relationships with people so I can use this for the sake of the kids. When my nephew was born, I was there. He is now 14 and helps me with my business. He is learning the skills with me, and I am so happy I made the decision to be part of his life. We have a special bond that I worked for because I saw what a good and bad uncle looked like. I made the decision. This works the same as being a manager. Through your personal experiences you can shape how and what you want to be.

Your pay can be another reason for why “I hate working” is your mindset. Most of the business world feels as if they are not getting paid what they are worth. This can either be true or false depending on what side of the fence you are standing on. Now we do not point fingers here, reason why is when you point one finger out three are pointing back at yourself. Go ahead try it point at the wall see the other 3 pointing back at you? Let us use this as a lesson of ownership. Own the fact that you think you are getting paid to little and start working on your skills. Start building knowledge and mastering a skill so you can bring value to the table for the next position you are proposing. If I need an accountant and 2 people come to me for the job, I will take the one with the most skills and knowledge, wouldn’t you? This goes for all the positions in the corporate world. It applies even more for business owners. The skills need to be developed by you and there is no one else out there to help you start learning those skills but you. Let us take athletes for example. They practice and hone their skills every day. They run, lift weights and train daily so they can be the best they can be at their positions. If that equals success, why aren’t you training at your position?

Total picture. Once you have evaluated why I hate working its time to start the process of changing the position you are in. If you hate working what is the exit plan you have? If you don’t like the work, what new skills are you developing to find the perfect match for your career? If you don’t want to work at all what is your savings plan to retire earlier than what is recommended which is usually age 65? Doing an evaluation or soul search will start to drum up your subconscious and the answers will start to reveal themselves. You still must act on what you dream up. This all lies on you the individual bettering themselves.

Once you start working on building your skills then it is time to start building on other aspects of your life. Take the time to start learning about other aspects too. I started to focus on helping people better themselves mentally and financially. I want to help you become the happiest and wealthiest you can be.

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